yoz everyone!
i'm terribly stressed now. But As always the horrible horrible and terribly self disgusting habit of procrastinating and getting distracted is getting to me.
I've got my mocks in 4 weeks time and I'm doin this.
I hate myself. I despise myself.....I give up....Do you not know how frustrating it is to combat with yourself?
it's an endless and fruitless battle when you know your enemy too well.
Talk about being too close for comfort.
Oh well....since i'm here I might as well just chat about for awhile.
just started my general surgery block and already feeling the brunt of it. Having to be in at 8am every single cold wintry morning for surgical INTERACTIVE tutorials is NOT fun at all....it's draining and it stinks if you have to be in for the rest of the day.
Currently on the nephrology ward. Man......could anything be more mundane!!!!
At least there were clinics to attend today.
Monday was an infuriating day when we spent 2h on a ward round and the freaking consultant didn't even speak or teach us anything.....what a shithead....
obviosuly someone has forgotten the oath he took to ''
look upon his offspring in the same footing as my own brothers and to teach them this art if they shall wish to learn it without fee or stipulation.......I will impart knowledge of the Art to my own sons, and those of my teachers and to disciples bound by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine but to none others.''
The only thing this guy imparted was how to stare and ignore the presence of the disciples.
what a dick head.
And I have to go for another ward round tml..............Man! i'm hitching a ride with the other team!
righto, gtg now, goin to finish revising my nephrology bits and start on GI!
This stinks coz GI and nephro are the two topics that I'm ABSOLUTELY SHITE AT!
Here's some photos anyway just to beautify my blog! ( And to explain my absences )
1st night in Prague! Start of the journey! Chinese Food!
From the tower beyond...
As I was by the river one evening...
Raigmore hospital in Inverness
Ahoy mateys! We'r e off to see the dolphins in Moray firth
The Mighty Loch Ness
Inverness when night falls
Aiyoh......Yakuza de yasu!
Sister Medics
Chef ET's new creation: Sio Bak ( Crispy pork belly ) noodles!
absolut champbulls chicks!
On the dancefloor!
Do you see Borat peeking out of the window?
The Girls hair curling night in!
Thank you for the memories!