underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

bold italic underline link

Friday, August 27, 2004
10:13 AM

Today was really awful.
I got out of bed really early because my mom was yelling at me.


I'm so stoned.

I want to tell the world to get fucked.

I am Depressed

Today, I got a digital camera! Yes! I'm so ugly. Don't look at my photos pleeeeeze.

I want to say thanks to the world for absolutely fucking nothing! You all suck. I feel so alone, no one ever reads this journal, or even comments to let me know that I'm not suffering alone. It's cold here, and I want to die, but I cannot figure out how many of you to take with me when I go.

I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said I have bipolar disorder, and a healthy imagination.

You should all do this quiz! It's amazingly accurate. You just put in your name and birthday, and it will tell you you're a moron.


That's enough for now. But I'll leave you with Nothing

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10:05 AM

I am the Nile!
Which Extremity of the World Are You?
From the towering colossi at Rum and Monkey.

At 4145 miles from your furthest extremity to the Mediterranean Sea, you outdo the Amazon to become the
world's longest river. The piranhas hate you.
Beneath you lies an underground river with six times your volume. You kept this remarkably quiet for several
thousand years. In fact, you're full of mystery; your source wasn't discovered until 1862. You're also full of
water. And crocodiles. And nuclear pharaoh machines that run on light and can see through time.

9:54 AM

Are You Damned?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey


Pure as the driven snow, you are waiting until the afterlife for your reward. Maybe you have had to repress some urges, screw down some feelings, squash some temptations and sometimes stop yourself from having fun. Don't worry. It's probably been worth it.

9:45 AM

I'm Nicola Tesla! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt!
Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.

You are Nicola Tesla, inventor of the Tesla Coil!
A minister's son from Simljan in Austria-Hungary, you were precocious from an early age. At three you could multiply three-digit numbers in your head and calculate how many seconds visitors to your home had lived. In awe of your older brother Dane, you shot a pea-shooter at his horse, causing it to throw him and inflict injuries from which he later died. This tragedy haunted you ever after. You frequently suffered bouts of illness with hallucinations throughout your life. During one affliction of cholera, you encountered the writing of Mark Twain, with whom you were later to be close friends. Later, another, this time mystery, illness inexplicably heightened your senses to a painful extent, only relenting when you hit upon the idea of the alternating current motor.
You developed an aversion to human contact, particularly involving hair, and a fear of pearls; when one would-be lover kissed you, you ran away in agony. Later, you insisted that any repeated actions in your day-to-day life had to be divisible by three, or, better yet, twenty-seven. You would, for example, continue walking until you had executed the required number of footsteps. You refused to eat anything until you had calculated its exact volume. Saltine crackers were a favourite for their uniformity in this respect. In the midst of important work, you forgot trivial details such as eating, sleeping or, on one memorable occasion, who you were.
Your inventions, always eccentric, began on a suitably bizarre note. The first was a frog-catching device that was so successful, and hence so emulated by your fellow children, that local frogs were almost eradicated. You also created a turbine powered by gluing sixteen May bugs to a tiny windmill. The insects panicked and flapped their wings furiously, powering the contraption for hours on end. This worked admirably until a small child came along and ate all the creatures alive, after which you never again touched another insect.
Prompted by dreams of attaining the then-ridiculed goal of achieving an alternating-current motor, you went to America in the hope of teaming up with Thomas Edison. Edison snubbed you, but promised fifty thousand dollars if you could improve his own direct-current motor by 20% efficiency. You succeeded. Edison did not pay up. It was not long until you created an AC motor by yourself.
Now successful, you set up a small laboratory, with a few assistants and almost no written records whatsoever. Despite it being destroyed by fire, you invented the Tesla Coil, impressing even the least astute observer with man-made lightning and lights lit seemingly by magic. Moving to Colorado Springs, you created a machine capable of sending ten million volts into the Earth's surface, which even while being started up caused lightning to shoot from fire hydrants and sparks to singe feet through shoes all over the town. When calibrated to be in tune with the planet's resonance, it created what is still the largest man-made electrical surge ever, an arc over 130 feet long. Unfortunately, it set the local power plant aflame.
You returned to New York, incidentally toying with the nascent idea of something eerily like today's internet. Although the wealthiest man in America withdrew funding for a larger, more powerful resonator in short order, it did not stop you announcing the ability to split the world in two. You grew ever more diverse in your inventions: remote-controlled boats and submarines, bladeless turbines, and, finally, a death ray.
While whether the ray ever existed is still doubtful, it is said that you notified the Peary polar expedition to report anything strange in the tundra, and turned on the ray. First, nothing happened; then it disintegrated an owl; finally, reports reached you of the mysterious Tunguska explosion, upon which news you dismantled the apparatus immediately. An offer during WWII to recreate it was, thankfully, never acted upon by then-President Wilson. Turning to other matters, you investigated the forerunner of radar, to widespread derision.
Your inventions grew stranger. One oscillator caused earthquakes in Manhattan. You adapted this for medical purposes, claiming various health benefits for your devices. You found they let you work for days without sleep; Mark Twain enjoyed the experience until the sudden onset of diarrhoea. You claimed to receive signals in quasi-Morse Code from Mars, explored the initial stages of quantum physics; proposed a "wall of light", using carefully-calibrated electromagnetic radiation, that would allegedly enable teleportation, anti-gravity airships and time travel; and proposed a basic design for a machine for photographing thoughts. You died aged 87 in New York, sharing an apartment with the flock of pigeons who were by then your only friends.
Ridiculed throughout your life (Superman fought the evil Dr. Tesla in 1940s comics), you were posthumously declared the father of the fluorescent bulb, the vacuum tube amplifier and the X-ray machine, and the Supreme Court named you as the legal inventor of the radio in place of Marconi. Wardenclyffe, the tower once housing your death ray, was dynamited several times to stop it falling into the hands of spies. It was strangely hard to topple, and even then could not be broken up.

Monday, August 23, 2004
6:20 AM

You are water. You're not really organic; you're
neither acidic nor basic, yet you're an acid
and a base at the same time. You're strong
willed and opinionated, but relaxed and ready
to flow. So while you often seem worthless,
without you, everything would just not work.
People should definitely drink more of you
every day.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by

Tuesday, August 10, 2004
7:44 AM

My Precious.....my precious...
Sleek, sturdy,
the colour of midnight black
Softly I feel you beneath my fingers
Title: Arrival of the Laptop

Friday, August 06, 2004
9:38 AM

Haha....been on a movie watching high.
Yesterday, went on a movie combo with yingjue. Watched Spiderman 2 and I-robot. Spiderman was actually kinda disappointing.
All of you out there who actually think that Kristen
Dunst is good looking, then you guys are probably
the sort who enjoy staring at dead fish in the eyes.
Pple, that girl has got dead eyes.
They are, as yingjue says, very opaque eyes.
her eyes are droopy and she has got a lisp.
Next up for spidey. I'm not a marvel comics fan and I admit
i dun follow that comic series.
And frankly speaking with such a cinematic representation,
I dun think I wanna fOlloW It.
I-robot, I liked.
REally cool. Never knew I would actually enjoy sci-fi
that much. The storyline was good though I still
have the nagging feeling that it has
some derivations from the Japanese anime
METROPOLIS. But yea, there is a certain Isaac ASimov
connection.The story has got just enuff twist
to prevent it from becoming overly predictable
overall, It's worth the $$.
haha..it's got it's own good store of quotes
"My logic is unquestionable....."
This evening, went with my mum to watch
'The Village'
To those of you who think it's a scary movie
you actually get to laugh loads during the show.
Yeah...there is the usual Shyamalan twist.
Though this time, the impact isn't tat great
In fact, if you did not pay attention from the start,
or take note of wat the characters mention
You probably will not understand
what the whole story is about.
But I personally feel that the movie hasn't
got too much of a kick and pizazz.
You will, or should feel, disappointed after
watching it, especially if you caught the Sixth Sense.
P/S: The advertising for the movie is truly
Go Figure.

Monday, August 02, 2004
9:01 AM
