underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

bold italic underline link

Saturday, December 31, 2005
8:33 AM

HAppy New Year Everyone!

Filling this in on the last day of 2005....aw....

2005....wat can I say?
It's been a great year...lotsa fun, laughter, accomplishment, sadness, life, death, anger, happiness....

It's been a good blend for a year in the circle of life...

Things I'm grateful for...

1) Getting through 1st year medicine

2) Making new friends and keeping them

3) Keeping in touch with my gOLDen friends and still remain friends... :)

4) Making it to medical school

5) God keeping me safe and sound throughout last year, whilst I struck it out independently.

There's lots more that I'm grateful for...but I think they'll be private thanksgivings.... :)

Thing I hope for in 2006 ....

1) Getting through 2nd year medicine ( hopefully as well as last year...but I just want to PASS! sobz.... )

2) Making new real frens

3) Maintaining my friendship with all the rest of my frens

4) I will attain and achieve whatever goals I set my heart on

5) I hope that God will support and see me through this year to and keep me, my flat, and my family ( including Baby my Cat ) and friends all happy and safe.

And of course... there'll be more to come throughout this year....

Cheers to 2006! May it be a better or just as good year as 2005 !!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!
p/s: Auld Lang Syne is by great Scottish Poet Rabbie Burns

Tuesday, December 27, 2005
4:09 AM

Merry Christmas EVERYONE!
Or rather...post christmas....and along the way.....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

GO 2006!

Anyway, just a quick update...
Yesterday had the best fun of the hols!


Went wild...man....have i told you before but!!!!............ THE SALES HERE ARE GREAT!!!

( maybe because they really do slash the prices for quality stuff???)

IF you have to come any time of the year to the UK...make sure 26th December is within the duration of your stay!

yup...so as you guessed...i bought quite a bit of stuff....
Dun worry Meg and Gen....I managed to get stuff for u too...but it was tough...

Got stuff for mum, bro etc too....

and of course got stuffs for myself!!!

YUp....so now I am the proud owner of soft leather dress shoes, perfect for ward rounds, their smart and comfy and cost me only 10 pounds!

Got a couple of crinkly tops ( their the new vogue apparently for this season or something...their great...u hand wash them and then u srew them around to maintain their crinkly status! Cool or wat?!)

Got a couple of dress tops, and a cashmere loop necked sweater top...it's so soft...and only 5 pounDS~~~!!!! Shinjiyaranai!

oh but the best of all was this satiny spag crinkly top which comes with it's only little satin mini coat ( u know those little coat like thingys?) yup...cost me 12.50 pounds but come on! It was priced at 45 pounds originally!!!! yup...and have been eyeing for sometime some more!


I wonder whether they have such post new year sales as well.....

Oh yeah...and the crowds are AWFUL! Can u beat it some pple were actually queing up outside the shops at 8am...(when it's still dark and awfully cold) to wait for the shops to open and so that they could be the first pple in!!! talk about hello kitty!

oh yah...and I think that if u put a singaporean and an angmoh in a sale area and test their level of kiasuism....the ang moh might actually win!


Jaa ne~!

Saturday, December 17, 2005
4:36 PM

sabishi ne ~!
everyone's leaving for home already....
Dana and noura are leaving tomorrow....
sighz.... well it will be a quiet holiday then....perfect hopefully to catch up with work and stuff.

Last night was fun.
Me, Dana, noura and Thomas attended Joy's (dana's friend) 21st birthday party.
It was a ceilidh ( pronounced kay -lee) held at a church hall.
Ceilidh is gaelic ( native language of scots ) for 'gathering'
so basically a place where people can dance and where there's music equates to a ceilidh.

yup...and it's not just any dance.
It's traditional Scottish dance.
We're talking, Gay Gordon, Strip the willow, military 2 step etc....

and we're talking major workout and high stress on your heart.
Seriously, after a full strip the willow where there'r 2 lines of like say 30 people with whom u have to link arms and whirl around in circles and then with your partner after having centrifugued yourself and your partner right at the top of the line at high speed rotation of say 250 hz...it's real fun, it's real confusing but it's great fun.

did i say it was fun?

Well...it's shit loads of fun!

I'm not a dance person, but i loved those dances, particularly strip the willow....
haha...thankfully i didn't slip and fall and embarrass myself....

yes...i must admit it was kinda traumatic when i messed up the first dance but after a while it was cool.

yup, and it has been snowing continuously for 2 days....whoopee!
Walking back after the party at 1am with the snow swirling about was cool!
and I managed to make the first perfect snowball on the way back as well....

It's gonna be a colder winter this year...
but hell!

I'm loving it!


Sunday, December 11, 2005
5:49 PM

It's been a great weekend!

Just came home from catching a late night screening of The Chronicles of Narnia. Me and Dana were feelng sick and depressed in the flat after dinner so we decided to go down to the beach and see if there was anything good to watch at the movies...if that didn't work out there was always ASDA...haha...the new shopping hunt.

Ok back to NArnia...

SCrew harry potter! If you miss Narnia you' d be better of stabbing yourself to death.
it is great man...effects, characters, costumes animation the works.

What can I say it's easier to squeeze a short story into a 2.5 hour film than it is squeezing a whole fat book into the short span of 3 hours.

So the essence of Narnia and the storyline was not lost in this film, and it was more rather than less told in its entirety, which was superb. The acting was good, and the white witch was portrayed as more of a wicked, cool person rather than the wicked silly person in the book, but it was great. Check out her cool nintoryuu action man! (*spoiler*)

And all those cute furry animals!!! KAwaiiiiiiiiiii~!
And they talk too!

I love Narnia!
I want to go watch it again!



Thursday, December 08, 2005
1:11 PM

Term will be over in 6 days! Yay!

today was a long day, 9-4pm with only 4 hours of sleep.
I'm proud of myself. And I still had to attend PBL this afternoon ( Problem Based Learning)
It was an unnervng session this one, had Dr. McClay taking us...yes, the guy with his infamous roving microphone that traverses the entire auditorium and any unfortunate soul with it gets identified and made to answer a question.
Needless to say..the answer has to be proclaimed to the whole world.
As McClay said in his first lecture '' The microphone is there for my amusement and yours as we go through these utterly boring series of lectures.'''

I like this guy. He never fails to mention that we are about to go into the world and murder patients on the pretext that we are doctors. Most of the time our modus operandi will be via drugs. cool... oh did i fail to mention ...he's a clinical pharmacologist.

But he's good, does a good clear lecture, his notes are full of information and clearly states what we need to know.

But man....I hate that stupid microphone.

Though I must say, it's kinda entertaining, watching as the pple beside you go stiff, and their pulse rate increase to audible levels, and their face gains an impressive pallor.
But then you soon realise, that you are reflecting their symptoms as you know the mike is coming towards you.

I've had the mike twice this year. Once in his first lecture when i had to describe tract marks and bruising from a picture, second time was during PBL today, had to tell him what to prescribe for this bloke with a blood glucose level of 32mmol/l : insulin + dextrose.

Thank you God.

Yah, yesterday went and watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
not too bad, might indeed be the best Harry Potter movie to date.
Unfortunately, the trailer for narnia and this really cute penguin movie kinda stole the pizzazz.
Hah...but all in all it was a good watch.
though, I must say, that hermione granger is getting too overdramatic.
And all of them look huge!
Sigh...age waits for no one. Not even magic from ancient times can solve this detrimental problem.

okie...i should go back to work now.

Shit....the bloody malaise that accompanies the last few weeks of term is taking its toll...
The works piling up! AARGH!

Guess wat i'll be doing this christmas.....

Procrastinate and Pay....

Jaa ne~!

Monday, December 05, 2005
5:45 PM

The depression has lifted.
Can't say that the sun is out, coz somehow, on the best of days the sun is just peeking over the horizon.

Today I finally finished downloading Gungrave. All 6.43 gigabytes of it.
Took me a week.
At the final stretches it was as if the thing was mocking me. Crescendoing to 27kb/s and then a sharp dip to 1 kb/s. Oh, the agony and frustration.

Over the weekend finished watching Junni Kokki.
haha....at last. I liked it. It really dealt with a lot of issues regarding personal regard, character and attitude towards life. One of the very few realistic and well developed anime i must say. though i think the ending was kinda like neither here nor there, seems as though there's more to it.... I hope there is. Actually wanna find out more about the black kirin, Taiki.

haha....anime obsession in full bloom.

Revelation of the day:

This evening in the kitchen, me and Dana were discussing the upcoming christmas dinner party we are having this saturday.
After a while, we sat back and wondered if this was actually a sign of old age,
when organising dinner parties and menus have actually become interesting and considered of great importance.

Another thing, yesterday evening, Dana was saying she could imagine wat we would be like when we were old.
We would both be sitting out on the porch, with our little fuzzy slippers on rocking chairs,
bitching and gossiping about the neighbours whilst she would be sewing patch work quilts whilst I would be crocheting shawls.

......................Scary ne.....

Oyasumi ~!
