Life is too short to not say the things that you really wish to say....
Life is too short to be worried about being laughed at by saying what you wish to say....
Life is just too short to keep on thinking about past unhappiness
Life is just too short.......
You know....serendipidity and fate are powerful wielders in this circle of life
But I profess that they are nothing but pawns in God's ultimate plan for each and every one of us.
I don't know but maybe spring has arrived on this old hen a bit too late...or it could just be
a case of mania acting up.....
But all I can say is ....every one screws up. Everyone sins. Everyone hurts someone else. Even the one's they are close to. Even the ones the love and like.
I know. Because I've done the above. And believe me it just doesn't feel right. It doesnt feel good. And you know it. It's that raw ache that gnaws through your heart into your soul.
But then after a while, the pain goes. Numbed by the continuous multitude of stimulations with each sin we cast.
But I believe from what i've experienced that our ever loving Father in heaven is always watching over us and keeping us safe in his protection. And as our ever forgiving lord, he will grant us peace and forgiveness and a second chance to make things right and repent.
To all of you out there....regardless of whether you believe in God or not, this is my Easter message to you:
When you're presented with this precious chance to repent and start anew with someone dear, with yourself or with someone new, seize it, cherish it, make full use of it. Love as you've never loved before. Experience each day for the uniqueness tat it holds. Appreciate yourself for who you are and what you know you will become. Cherish those around you for you never know when's the last chance you'll get to do so. Do not be afraid to make a fool out of yourself for something you believe in and are willing to fight for as often it is the fools who know no different.Happy Easter every one and God Bless us all!