HI everyone! An actual post now!
First week of paeds, and today we were sent off to take a history from our young charges.
Me and my two other mates apparently got Hell boy....
Yes..hell boy....admitted on monday with a 3 day history of sore ears, head, throat the works
well...he is a cute 3 yr old to be honest but man....they must have surely done quite a bit of stuff to him for him to have developed such earth shattering defences. Literally....'
Methods of defence:
1) Seeing any one that's strange and threatening ( i.e doctors, nurses and medical students ( preety right about the last group)) provokes a reflex action to cover his eyes with the back of his arm to block out the existence of the threat....wishful thinkin kid!
2) Bawling, blood curdling screams and torrential tear pour if you choose to ignore the initial sign and continue to approach him and actually (gasp!) attempt to do something to him
3) Barrier of thomas the engine, plastic horse and bed along with army of plushies to distance oneself from the threat.
Man....kids these days.....
Yup....so we experienced all three of those when we entered the room and it got so bad that our consultant told us to stay behind the barrier....approx 2 feet away from the kid and get onto our knees to take his history.....ON OUR KNEES! ON THE FLOOR! CRANING OUR NECKS TO TALK TO THIS WEE ONE~!!!!
oh the shame....the embarrassment....the germs.....
haha....WELL....it was an interesting experience all in all. Kinda like a crash course in child psychology. Snack women = good, Doctors = unknown pandora box, shld i or shld i not be nice,
Nurses= pure evil, Medical students= well....I might as well just make them look more of the fools that they are!
sigh....it's gonna be a long attachment....