underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

bold italic underline link

Friday, May 26, 2006
5:51 AM

Today was the final misery of wards.
Mind you, it hasn't been a totally bad experience altogether.
There's been good teaching, fun and laughter and obviously the nerve wrecking traumatising bits.
but all in all i would have to say that the infection unit is a great ward.
If u want teaching in real time and with hypertensive action...
drop by the infection unit. ..... said the spider to the fly.

I am sitting here typing this, after coming back from the pub, at 1.30pm in the afternoon,
with currently circulating double rum and lemonade.
I am not completely sobre.
But i think i will survive the following 2 lectures.
As well as a shopping trip to morrisons.

I'm so proud of myself.

Today we had the much awaited OSCE. (i.e the ward test that tests if u can examine patients without killing or breaking something and to see if u can think on ur feet)
it was four stations.
And by luck or grace or just for the sake of getting it over and done with
I started off my first examination with FB doing respiratory examination of an old nurse with breathlessness.
Didn't go too well because i didn't manage to complete the whole drill
well...none of us could.
FB is constantly drilling into us to do an end of bed before going on to the specific systemic examination, so we were all happily examining for clubbing and such before proceding to the back,
percussing and ascultating half way down the back and then hearing Prof laing ringing his ice cream bell down the hallway signalling a change....and then FB will give u a sadistic smile and ask u to give a diagnosis...
which none of us managed to give...

The rest of the stations were not too bad.
Abdominal examination, History taking, Examining a young man's hands.
Not too bad.

But still...could have been much better i suppose.
So after it all we adjourned to the westburn, just round the corner from the hospital
for pints and rum ( only me) and began ruminating of horrific scandals of our school days.
Seriously, Uk schools are just so full of scandals.
Teachers sleeping with students.
Teachers pretending to have cancer to get extended leaves.
Teachers having students up against the wall by the neck...
All good fun...

And now I have to go for lectures!


Thursday, May 18, 2006
4:41 AM

Today was another session with FB.
wat can I say......
today was no redeeming grace.

BEfore I get on with my rant, will everyone please go here
and sign the petition regarding the sorry fate of international medical students and doctors in the UK wat with the current new and stupid immigration laws that have been put in place. A true reflection of lack of intelligence on the british parliament. Oh wait.....that's not new news.

Yeah.,....so today was like, took history and presented to FB.

luckily i wasn't presenting this week, which was good.

but then he decided to do russian roulette and made everyone else who was listening in on the presentations to ask questions.

and then some DAMN FOOL! ( I believe it was Kristian) asked when did our patient ( who's an alcoholic) started drinking and then since we hadn't asked that, we were stumped.
And he decided to ask how long we thought she had been drinking.
SO I was like '' well...a rather long time. say 15....? ''
And then I did the STUPIDEST mistake of saying that was evident from her Hep C status!!!!
STUPID MEEEEE!!!!! forgot last terms work about hep c being blood transmitted.
well...needless to say, got needled abt that...
and then he kept on asking me why i thought she had a long history of drinking....
and I was like ... ''' FOOL!!!!! can't someone just say somethin off the top of their head?''
and then he went '' are u saying this because epidemiological studies show that pple with drinking problems usu have long history of drinking?''
Me ''' Well....I don't know what epidemiological studies say.....''
FB '' Right. Epidemiological studies do show blah blah blah.....so...you were right for the Wrong Reasons....''


Well....but to be honest, dun feel so bad today...because i managed to get a diagnosis right on hearing just the summary of one of the case presentations.


Right lower lobe pneumonia...

FB'' blah blah blah....u were quick on the draw with that diagnosis of Right lower lobe pneumonia, that would have been my differential diagnosis.''

FINE FB!!!!!
Take all the limelight!

I'm so glad this will all be over by next week....

Once again... please sign the petition at http://www.medschoolsonline.co.uk/index.php?pageid=149

Thursday, May 11, 2006
5:06 AM

I have just had the most traumatic experience of my entire second year...
well at least until next thursday.

Today we had terror Machenzie for our tutor at wards...
The fucking bastard.

He brought us to see a patient as I was the unlikely first one into the room he went
'' mumblem....examination.''
and I was like...wat?
and so I went ''Sorry?''
He gave me a condescending smile and went on to ask if anyone else wanted to do the examination.

back in the day room, he asked me '' Why did u not want to do the examination?''
Me: '' I didn't hear your question and didn't know u wanted me to do the examination.''
Fat bastard (FB from now on) :'' Well, u could have just aske me to repeat the question.''

me...WTF!!! look at above on the ''SORRY?!'' bit

and after that it was just terrible...
I got a case of the nerves....and when i get a case of the nerves, nothing short of tranquilizers will get me to get my marbles into the right order.

he asked me questions, and whenever he asked me one I just froze up and gave him watever reply i could concoct....which was terrible...because bein the unsupportive and unsettling tutor that he was he basically picked me to bits.


And then he asked me to present the case that we saw this morning...and it was terible...
because we didn't have good 'stock' this morning.
Our lady was on a nebulizer wheezing her way through a asthma attack and couldn't remember anything. Along with a racing heart and incredible respiratory rate of 30.
SO needless to say we had to tease out a rather disjunct history and needless to say a rather disorganized presentation.

Well....to be fair I wasn't really the only one.
Kristian who's left handed and prefers to write in a quranic style (left to right) because the binder spine doesn't get in the way was crticized for writing in that way and told to ''get use writing in the western style'' oh and he was also made to '' use A4 paper next time, because that's the size clerking sheets are in the hospital''

Graeme got told that his differential diagnosis was '' NOT plausible'' and he should phrase it in a ''less confident manner because anything else could be possible for that case''


Lesson learnt: Never enter the patients room first during group teaching

If ur consultant looks at u and mumbles something just say
'' Yes DR. FB, jump you say? From where and how far?''

Fucking PRICK!

5:06 AM

I have just had the most traumatic experience of my entire second year...
well at least until next thursday.

Today we had terror Machenzie for our tutor at wards...
The fucking bastard.

He brought us to see a patient as I was the unlikely first one into the room he went
'' mumblem....examination.''
and I was like...wat?
and so I went ''Sorry?''
He gave me a condescending smile and went on to ask if anyone else wanted to do the examination.

back in the day room, he asked me '' Why did u not want to do the examination?''
Me: '' I didn't hear your question and didn't know u wanted me to do the examination.''
Fat bastard (FB from now on) :'' Well, u could have just aske me to repeat the question.''

me...WTF!!! look at above on the ''SORRY?!'' bit

and after that it was just terrible...
I got a case of the nerves....and when i get a case of the nerves, nothing short of tranquilizers will get me to get my marbles into the right order.

he asked me questions, and whenever he asked me one I just froze up and gave him watever reply i could concoct....which was terrible...because bein the unsupportive and unsettling tutor that he was he basically picked me to bits.


And then he asked me to present the case that we saw this morning...and it was terible...
because we didn't have good 'stock' this morning.
Our lady was on a nebulizer wheezing her way through a asthma attack and couldn't remember anything. Along with a racing heart and incredible respiratory rate of 30.
SO needless to say we had to tease out a rather disjunct history and needless to say a rather disorganized presentation.

Well....to be fair I wasn't really the only one.
Kristian who's left handed and prefers to write in a quranic style (left to right) because the binder spine doesn't get in the way was crticized for writing in that way and told to ''get use writing in the western style'' oh and he was also made to '' use A4 paper next time, because that's the size clerking sheets are in the hospital''

Graeme got told that his differential diagnosis was '' NOT plausible'' and he should phrase it in a ''less confident manner because anything else could be possible for that case''


Lesson learnt: Never enter the patients room first during group teaching

If ur consultant looks at u and mumbles something just say
'' Yes DR. FB, jump you say? From where and how far?''

Fucking PRICK!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
5:50 AM

today was a rather nice community course session.
Since the weather was so nice...yes even by my standards it wasn't too hot...
our tutor decided to hold the tutorial in the garden just behind the practice.


though the topic on epidemiological studies was so sleep inducing....we were soon
lulled in with the songs of the birds and the buzz of the bees.

during the mid session break...
andy and alistair decided it would be a good idea to run across the street to the sweet shop
to get everyone ice lollies....
unfortunately, consumerism had struck the quaint shop,
and it was now only selling expensive one pound fifty ice cream...
shit heads....

summer is really here..
time to get out the shades and the sun block....

the shades are a must...
really great way to snooze behind them as u sit out in the garden listening to ur tutor
preach about incidence and prevalence statistics...


Thursday, May 04, 2006
5:58 AM

Watched Ms Saigon on tuesday.

Man...for all the hype it's got...it was disappointing.

FIrst off....
Kim ( lead actress)
man...she was short and fat. and the guy was so good looking, it just didn't look real.
I know i'm being shallow, but still....hey hollowood and broadway have made standards pretty high u know.
And her singing.....my goodness....it was SO overly dramatic that it made u feel queasy.
It wasn't natural, it was forced and at times she just wore her voice so thin it could cut glass.

and the amount of sucking face throughout the entire thing...
all that saliva transfusion is affecting the damn singing!! ( which as i have mentioned..sucks as it is)

And the ending....MAN!!!!!!
the second act was so short so abrupt ...it was like...BANG!
.........................................applause....everyone starts coming out and I'm like....u mean that's it?!!
............ NANI!!!!!!!!!!

yeah...but the guy who played the Engineer...he was good. Funny, svelte and just a natural.

ahh....every cloud must have it's silver lining....

oh well...that's all i have to say.....

MS saigon....is a miss.
