Sunday, April 30, 2006
5:40 AM
The heat has reached the point where i can wear bermudas and a T-shirt and flats
and walk all the way to the library to type this.
Alright!!!! I have to rant about something...
i think something which i've ranted about some time ago....
but like most thingst that plague's a recurrent prob....
just like a festering bed sore....
so we all know by now tat D, my good fren and flat mate has been dating T right?!!
are we all on board with this right now?
well...and we all know that he is 7 years younger than she is right?
Well, the age ain't really all that matters coz somehow their in the same decade.
So the thing is, the last 6mths, these 2 have been waxing and waning in terms of their relationship
he doesn't keep up with his promises to her, never on time (we all noe that, we once placed bets with poker plaque on how late he would be one board games night ), and basically he places his mates above her.
she hates it when he does the above, hates his frens ( and they hate him too ), hates the fact that she's always the one having to explain stuff to him...blh blah blah...
And then....who gets to hear about all this?
ME ME ME!!!!!
Basically it's the same story over and over again...
I've hear it all....
" I want to break up with him, but I love him."
WHOLE FAT LOAD OF BOLLOCKS!!! I can't exactly say that to her, cause i don't want our relationship to be
under stress for some loser of a guy...
but here's wat I exactly want to say...
Look here, this is the way I see it.....
A) you're much older than he is... it's WEIRD! they say that age is no barrier...
BUT IT's STRANGE.....he lacks the emotional and intellectual maturity. He's dropped out of UNi. u work longer hours then he does....WHERE the fuck is this headed?
He's never going to be able to support u or a family!
B) He says he doesn't want to get married. Period. You want to get married and have kids.
DO I even need to explain this conflict of interest? WHY WASTE TIME?!!!
C) You love him... seriously for u guys out there who know me...i don't believe in this love nonsense. I think pple can fall in like but love? Nah...too many other factors polluting the whole idea. Is it just lust, vanity that u managed to score a young, above average looking guy, or just that you're insecure and u don't know if this is going to be the last time you'll ever find someone that u ''love''? put it in most degradative sense of the whole thing.....
Is it just MATERNAL / SISTERLY love? ( Age gap u see...)
D) Most pressing problem: The guy is a nice guy ( i can vouch that) but he clearly doesn't ''love'' you as much as u him. He puts his mates before you. Time and time again. And you're not used to it coz in previous relationships u have always been the sole proprietor of ur BF attention. He doesn't stand up to his frens when they call u a bitch.
Wat a fucking loser is that? And you're another one, have u looked in the mirror recently?
you're older than he is...with his looks he can probably score a younger girl... and he's too youn to think about being tied down to anyone. At this age, your mates are more important than your girlfriend.
E) You deserve someone better who can give u the attention that u crave and who's probably mature enough to want to think of the future, and has a more respectable future as well.
there's lots more i could say....but i'm just so pissed thinking of the whole
RIDICULOUSNESS of the entire business....along with the fact that the FUCKING BUNCH OF ANGMOHS at the next table are making a WHOLE FUCKING LOT Of NOISE!
last ridiculous comment " I think he needs to lose me before he realise his problems"
Honey, i don't think he even cares if he loses u. The way i see it, you're the last obstacle between freedom and a more buxom mate. He's a selfish mutt who's more interested with his conveniece than he is with you. And if you're gonna pine after someone like that, that makes u as equal a sorry loser as he is.... IT'S SO FUCKING STUPID! STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!!!
that's better....never keep things's bad for u.... there u have it....
I HATE talking about relationship problems because somehow they are always so STUPID BAKA, YU CHUN, DUMB, RIDICULOUS AND BORING!!!!!
Somehow it's like when pple get into a relationship, they throw away a hemisphere of cortical matter and share one hemishiphere between the both.
And it doesn't end there, the longer they stay together their brains undergo further deterioration. It's should be given the medical term "
Alzheimer's de amore "
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
9:17 AM
Man....there should be a term SCHIZOPHRENIC WEATHER.
last night the bloody wind was howling so loud i had to shut my window completely.
and it was raiing so bloody hard i could hear the droplets slapping against my window.
And now....
It's so fucking hot, bright and sunny
and very windy too....
I hate this sunny weather. I really do.
It's stiffling, it's dry, it makes me feel really really tired.
well....few things that have happened so far this week.
Had a guide dog in for community course at the GP, man...the freaking dog is so uncanny it can even guide it's mistress to the right bus stop to take the right bus
( mind u...buses here don't stop at every stop along the route....freaky.)
New japanese and Korean STALL opened in Aberdeen market.
Authentic Korean chap doing the cooking and the sushi.
Very nice Jab chae noodles...
yeah....that's about all...
things coming down to a stalemate with just studying and watchin cantonese drama serials.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
6:00 AM
Well...end of another week again.
Friday's ward was great.
Met a heroin addict... nice lady too. sigh...i think that society shouldn't discriminate against them
some of them just don't do drugs because they like the highs or the kicks or their just bums.
SOme take it to block the pain and forget their sorrow...
Don't u guys get it?
And we had a new consultant as tutor too.
I think he's more down to earth that thursday tutor.
He made us stand in the corridor and do a 'kit check'
Those of us who had our stethescopes dangling from our necks got it promptly removed and coiled up and stuffed into our pockets personally by him ( yes, i was one of them...well...i was never able to stuff my in my pocket and i never dared to coil it up as well as he could )
then he did a spot check for tendon hammers,
and since only only one of us had it, he ended the tutorial with a stern warning that next friday he wanted to see us in '' Full KIT" with stethescope, pen torch and tendon hammer and that he would be doing a spot check. cool...
yup, then he brought us to see this old lady,
and then led us through end of bed examination and then got us to do some examinations for him
he got me to do this totally new superficial tendon reflex tests (which we had never been taught)
The hoffman and somehting else i forgot...
man....... he was there guiding me to do it...and it was UNNERVING...
he's a nice quite guy, but it's the quite powerful sorta feeling that u get from him.
do there i was desperately flicking the lady's 3rd finger distal phalanx ( tip of middle finger) trying to get her freaking thumb to flex,
and he was positioning my fingers, telling me to flick slowly, showing me how to do it again...
and when i finally go the boody reflex he said " you'll never be good at sal...dol" ( it's this board game where u flick counterrs into pockets in the corner)
oh well...guess i'll have ot keep my day job then.
well...that's all that i have to say.
ha! in library using hotspot now... about coincidence...
all 3 of us here at this table are using IBM of I think the same T or R series....
Thursday, April 20, 2006
4:52 AM
Just got back from wards.
First day at Infection Unit.
Ok...come on...wat comes to mind when u see those two words...
to be absolutely honest and naive i have to say I thought ....
Big massive spreads of necrosing flesh, air putrid with the smell of gangrenous infection,
massive boils, amputated legs, MRSA secluded patients, TB ....u get my drift.
But today when i stepped through the purple double doors it was really kinda quiet.
everything was slow, hallways were dark...nothing fascinating really.
Then off we went to clerk patients.
Clerked my very first HIV patient. really nice woman, had HIV for the past 10 years.
In hosptial for another of her frequent pnuemonias...( I think she has kaposi sarcoma to be honest, seemed to have the classical signs)
And then next there was the discussion with our consultant.
of all my clinical rotations I have never felt this intimidation and anxiety...
this guy asks questions and LOTS of them....
And he doesn't just direct his questions to the general mass...he shifts his entire body mass, places his foot directed at you and asks u full eye contact, his burning question.
And it's not only one simple question.
From ur weak pathetic attempt at an answer, he picks the weakest link and springs another question from it....and another and another......Argh......
As Graeme rightly exclaimed '' I DON'T WANT to do medicine!!!''
(of course when the tutor was answering a bleep)
THings that he expects u to do:
- One hour for clerking : 20 minutes history taking, 20 minutes examination, 20 minutes writing up.
( That's BOLLOCKS i tell u! more like 45minutes listening to random long tale, 20 minutes examination, 20 minutes figuring out wat the hell u just scrawled for the past hour...)
- Write up clerking nicely. Dun be goin around with messy slips filled with rubbish scrawls ( I thought we were granted that right?! guess not here.... )
- always have a SUMMARY at the end of ur presentation. just 2 lines summin everything up.....
( read first bullet point and tell me how's that possible...'' 50 year old male, with a serious shit load of problems.'' )
I must gumbatte and survive the next 3 weeks!
Thankfully that tutor will be away next week....hopefully the registrar that takes over will cut us some slack....hmm.....time to look for some black mail....
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
4:33 AM
I'm so glad that the hotspot is up and running now.
Me and alistairjust finished putting together a 6 slide presenation on our patient visit victim Mr. J.P.
To be honest, it wasn't all clear cut....
thinking of wat to squeeze into 6 slides from an extensive history is not an easy task.
how to phrase stuff, select stuff and all...
and man....can anyone get more pedantic about borders....???
yup, so anyways, tomorrow we start a new clinicl rotation...
along with my streak of mishaps i am now goin to be at the infection unit for the next 5 weeks..
Ain't that lovely?
MRSA, Bacteraemia, Chest infections...welcome to my humble abode.
And of all this it has to be this year, after i've had a terrible bought of chest infection, and 4 consecutive runs of the flu ... ( yes i had the flu from september to around february when the chest infection occured....)
For the record i have to say that the chest infection came about when I was at the geriatrics surprise there, eh?
now running a spyware scan....looks like I have 552 infections at 90% scan progress...'s a wonder my comp is still working. i go...
Monday, April 17, 2006
3:53 AM
First day back in school
At 9am.
Woke up at 7.30am, had shower, made it to bus stop by 8.10. Practically waved goodbye to passing bus. Stupid move. Didn't realise that today is EAster MOnday and the buses are running on their IRREGULAR sunday timetables.
Waited till 8.30am till the next bus came.
By God's good grace managed to catch the no.12 to the hospital and was still early by 10 minutes.
just finished an introductory lecture to nervous system, and a lecture on STroke.
not bad, managed to highlight my notes and take notes at the same time.
received learning guides and timetable.
Man....2 self directed learning packages!!!
And the other 2 systems for the term are : ENDOCRINE and RENAL system....
My two most hated...(well actually they come after gastroenterology)
Oh well....
life is just this one big weighing scale.
Off to work on my lectures....vow not to fall back in lectures....
................especially since i dun have internet at home now............... SObz.....
watched Charlie n the Chocolate Factory last night on DVD.
REally interesting. Liked the sets, the costumes the milions of oompa loompas.
Liked DEpp...once again beautiful JOhny has proven how damn versatile he is...
Holloywood...u just have no appreciation of true talent when u see one...
Sunday, April 16, 2006
5:59 AM
STill no internet at home...
i think my laptop is finally dead....
Can't access hotspot in uni library because they just redid the connections over easter weekend...
sittin in uni library typing this... on library comp...
somebody PLEASE KILL ME NOW.... i have been telling everyone who has been sending me their condolences..
'' This is a good thing. I am now able to concentrate on my studies. Which is rather good as my exams are up and coming in the next month and a half. It is a blessing in disguise.''
WHo am i kidding....yes it's a good thing...
yes...i'm still able to play music and watch my DVDs... ( Thank you God for this grace)
but somehow...when i look at my laptop sitting on my desk belting out ballad after ballad...
it doesn't seem to be alive....
it just doesn't come across as alive without the little white BT boxes in it's corner.
it's not alive without the incessant tritone of somebody signing into MSN...'s definitely not alive if i can't just jump in and download my lectures off the net....
oh sobz..................
Past quibbles that i couldn't blog when they were fresh in my mind because of my current circumstances.... oh well...stale coffee aint too bad...
- On the first day i was back, I came back to my flat, and Dana and Angela were there. We sat and chatted in the living room, and i told them flat out that i felt great just listening to them talk in their languid english and scottish accents and not have to deal with the jarring loud canadian harsh talk which i must say was one of the most irritating aspects of my trip.
- Sleeping in my nice soft bed. With my nice soft pillows. with my nice trustworthy electric blanket. Just so nice...
- And it was great when dana said '' I'm glad your back''
- It was nice to be back. I was not forgotten. That was good.
- one sure fire way that tells me i'm back in aberdeen.... The damn squeals, clicks, cawing, squeaks of BIRDS at 4am in the morning....don't u just love nature?
WEll...that's more or less wat i can remeber... term starts tomorrow again.
It begins with a bang with the '' Nervous System''.
I'm actually kinda looking forward to this system. I like neurology. It's interesting, though it's shit hard to study for with all the finicky nerves and their bloody innervations, but if i'm willing to stick it through...that shows how much i'm able to sacrifice for this system...
and well..yeah it does explain some of my more neurotic quirks and diminishing sanity so...
till the next installment......
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
8:30 AM
Just read zhu's heartrending account...
This song fits with the mood and the internetless despair that i'm in now...
toozakaru anata no koe ga
furueru watashi no kokoro wo
kowashite yuku kizutsukete yuku
yuganda futari no kyori ga
in my heart
sotto te wo sashidashite
hold me tight
dakishimete hoshii no
* don't say good-bye (x2)
hitori no yoru
don't say good-bye (x2)
modosenai jikan
don't say good-bye (x2)
kono mama yo ga akenai nara
永遠(towa) ni nemuritai
ukabarenu omoi wa yagate
awa no you ni kiete yuku no
unmei nara douka samenaide
yume dake misasete hoshii
in my heart
sotto hitomi wo tojite
hold me tight
nukumori wo tsutaete
don't say good-bye (x2)
hitori no yoru
don't say good-bye (x2)
namida mo karehate
don't say good-bye (x2)
anata wo omoide ni nante
dekinai kara
7:29 AM
Man.....this is REAL SHIT!!!!Back from paradise and into the ultimate hell....CAN'T ACCESS INTERNET FROM HOME!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!Just spent half an hour on the phone with the internet providers and they basically brought me through all the different avenues etc which might be the probably cause of the problem but to no avail....DO YOU NOT SENSE MY FRUSTRATION????!!!!!Can't download anything....Can't MSN....Can't check mail.....Can't check lectures....So...if i don't appear online so often these know why....If I don't blog so know why...Oh lord....please don't let this be happening.....
Monday, April 10, 2006
7:48 AM
This will probably be my last entry from toronto for this trip.kanashi ne......bye bye good food, bye bye cheap shoes, bye bye niagara falls, bye bye CN towers, bye bye toronto islands, bye bye lake ontario.............. bye bye asian legend, bye bye shi zi tou, bye bye pork bone soup............Au revoir zhu. tian xia you wu bu san zi yan xi ( hope i got this hanyu pinyin is SHITE)Till we meet again!Next time in bonnie ol' scotland......Thanks for all the memories!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
6:18 AM
Yesterday, it was off to the culminating, must see attraction of all trips to toronto.
Yes...we were off to see niagara falls ( and yes...I still have difficulty pronouncing the damn word).
SO it was up at 7am and down to St. George station for the pick up at 8am. ( and was a saturday morning)
at 8.05 this big black van pulls up on the curb, and we were looking at each other wondering '' this right?"
Out springs, this small, crew cut brunette, complete with eyebrow piercing, and soon we were on this mafia look alike van to pick up 2 other victims and then to our objective of the falls.
It's about an hour and twenty minutes drive to niagara, and for about half the trip the guide, jojo was giving us a running commentary about the history of niagara, the falls, the origins of 'Tacky Town' ( local garish touristy district 15 minutes from the falls) and the darwin award winning escapades of some lunatics who stuffed themselves in oversized barrels and sent themselves along down the 57m stretch of the thundering falls. Kinda interesting. But...then again...having been up at 7 am after about 5 hours of sleep the night before, u just wish that " for the love of god...enough already" ( doesn't help that she has the classic loud, whiny canadian/american drawl...jarring i tell ya...jarring) But she was a great guide. Value for money too at $45 for the entire day's agenda. ( cheapest niagara tour that I could find )
At the falls, we were just blown away. Literally, mentally, physically. There are actually 3 falls in all that can be seen. 2 of them, the American falls and the Bridal (bride's ?) veil fall ( it's this tiny strip next to the american falls) belong to the americans, the canadians have the Horseshoe falls. and the canadians have the better view of the falls. The americans just get a back view of the falls and Goat island.
Niagara means thunder water in one of its more apt native american translations. And when u get there, u get it. The thundering force of this natural wonder just blows u away, the best way to experience it with all 5 senses is to go through the tunnels, right behind the falls in "Journey behind the falls". There u get up close and personal to this giant. Even walking along the boulevard next to the falls gets u bathed in this ethreal mist . u are literally in the essence of the falls. Remember to look up at the trees whilst u walk along side the falls, they glisten silver in the sunlight with mini stellactites draped from their boughs and branches. It's like walking in narnia when the snow queen is in rule. Oh ... and it's freaking cold too. crystals on trees when the sun is out...r u kidding me?
The american view: Backview of the falls and the churning rapids that lead to it
Thundering get my drift?
On a clear day u can see this mist all the way up in CN towers in Toronto
Niagara falls...the experience of a life time..........
Well, after niagara falls, we headed off to niagara on the lake, which is bascially this little village based near lake ontario and near the origins of the falls. quaint little town. old buildings dating to the post 1812 era. ( pre-1812 buildings were razed to the ground by spoil sport americans when they were about to lose this british settlement back to the british in the 1812 war. it ended in a peace treaty, the british got back their town and began to rebuild again) Fronting this little town is lake ontario. So there we were up on the hills at the park, eating out packed lunch of beef sandwiches with chips and coleslaw topped with nice rich gravy that went cold within 10 seconds of opening the packagin. Need i was COLD. yup so we were basically prancing around, moving from table to bench to table again trying to search for a warmer spot where we could have lunch and enjoy the view of the lake. It was like a neurotic indian food dance, flapping white packages in hand and complains of the cold filling the air.
After niagara falls, it was the final stop at the magnotta wine distillery. Hey...countless free wine sampling, really cheap quality wonder some consider this the best part of the trip ever. Magnotta makes some of the nicest ice wine which is apparently a speciality of canada. It's this special wine where the grapes it's made from are left on the vines deep into winter and are only harvested when the temperatures are averaging -8 degrees celsius. In such cold dry weathers, the grapes would have shrunken and the juice within them frozen all leading to super concentrated grape juice that is made into the sweetest wine i've ever tasted. In the markets a bottle of it goes for about $65 but at the distillery, the cheapest is $30 and the most expensive $55. Factory outlet prices rock. The more expensive ice wines are apparently the ones made from red grapes because their skins are much thinner and often break before they can be harvested. basically that was my exciting day.
hehehe...dinner was also a nice experience. Went to this korean place where u basically cook ur own meal in a huge silver pan. Good stuff good stuff.... and we also had a pot of pork bone soup which was something like a more bony replica of shi zi tou. hehehe....
What a great day.................
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
8:39 PM
Today a fluke expedition turned out to be a great venture.
Went down to the Eastern beaches today as the weather was so crap i couldn carry out the original plan of goin to the offshore islands.
Yup, so basically since i've done more or less wat's available to be done this season in Toronto, I had to spend about half an hour online trying to find some place to go instead of letting the day go to waste. the avid traveller just hates that.
So it was off to the beach, on this cold, dreadful day.
It was a chance expedition turned great. Standing there as the flurry of snow belted down upon me and the wind whipped my hair mercilessly, I felt a strange sense of calm and peace watchin the waves of Lake Ontario break upon the rocky coast. Watching the storm clouds gather and unfurl whilst seeking the rare strobes of sunlight piercing this white entourage was just mesmerising.





That's the best i can do to put u in that spot at that point in time...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
10:58 PM
hi guys!yes yes...i'm back to those fancy dancy blog templates again...oh well, old habits die hard...and it's a pretty skin too...So..BEAR WITH IT!At least the fonts huge.....Cheers!
9:00 PM
Photo sharing time....
just had a long long lost in the forest trail in High park ( Extensive park with an interconnecting maze of trails for the avid nature lover and walking enthusiast), had to walk a highway to get to the nearest subway.
Visited Casa Loma, toronto's one and only castle. the spooks trecking through the maze of tunnels and attics and lofts.
Visited St. Lawrence market in old town toronto, had a very spectacular cookies and cream cheesecake, hazelnut biscotti and a walnut baklova fresh from the oven. Oh yeah...that's the only way to serve it....
Visited St James's Cathedral which was in the vicinity. Nice quaint cathedral, ornate and beautiful interiors with commendable stained glass windows.
And since I was in the shopping district, paid a visit to a couple of shops, ended up with a pair of comfy slipper shoes for $5 and a pair of Airwalk (dunno wat brand this is but it's comfy and on sale) for $23 and a pair of jeans for $9.90 from Sears at Eaton Centre ( this ginormous shoppin mall with tons of boutiques and retail shops. previously got a nine west bag which was on sale at the boutique for $35 )
SOMEBODY STOP ME!!!! promised, photos from the first five days of my trip....
........................ Picassa SUCKS!!!!!
If you can still be bothered, please click here.
Jaa ne~!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
8:45 PM
Today was a day that will go down in history.
Not all because me and Zhu visited a David Milne Water Colours exhibition as well as a Frank Gehry Architecture exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario. ( They were both great by the way. Though I must say I was more fascinated and impressed with Frank Gehry's work. He's the architect who brought architectural wonders such as the Guganheim Museum in New York City and the Disney Concert Hall in whereever. Very fascinating. For an old guy his brain is sure tick ticking away damn well).
The miracle of the day took place over lunch.
We went down to Asian Legend, this chinese restaurant in chinatown which is just round the corner from the art gallery, for a lunch break after having viewed the David Milne collection. We were there to accomplish the mission of having shi zi tou (@ lion's head @ GIANT MEATBALLS)So being the gluttons and poor estimators that we are we decided to order, one shi zi tou, a combo set each ( consists of one bowl of rice, one bowl of soup, one main dish and one cold drink) and siew mai ( 6 pieces). The race began at a relatively easy and relaxed pace with soup and drink arriving first. Then came the main dishes for the combo lunch. Mind you, we're not talking miniscule portions here, we're talking actual main dish sizes, so it's no joke finishing that off. so we started eating that which was really nice and delicious (hey, ur talkin to someone who hasn't had an authentic chinese meal for the mast 6 months or so ) Then the waiter advanced towards as with this large black claypot complete with its own little bunsen burner thingy and placed it in the center of our already overflowing table for 2. This was the legendary shi zi tou. We opened it gingerly and there stewing merrily and mocking us with their brown braised skins were 3 humongous meatballs. I mean it. I've had shi zi tou before and I've never seen ones as huge as these. They were the size of a 12 year old's fist. We closed the cover and stared at each other and the still festering combo lunch remains in front of us.Before we had time to plan a strategy, the waiter came with our ratten box of siew was like the day of reckoning.Don't get me wrong. It was all good stuff. Nice, excellently cooked and tasted great. It's just the sheer amount of food on the table. Pple were walking past our table staring at our avalanche of food and the two of us. And definitely at the mysterious black pot in the center of all the mayhem.yup, so we went all out!First to clear the finishin line for the combo lunch was Zhu, impressively finishing 3 quarters of her chi ding (diced chicken in spicy sauce) and began hacking away at her alloted ball of meat. I was tailing behind on my shredded pork with garlic and chili, trying to juggle my resources between siew mai, pork, and meat ball. After a while, I was done with my pork, and that was when zhu decided to throw in the white flag on her alloted siew mai. So I had the additional burden of completing another 2 siew mai in addition to the three i had just squeezed through my long suffering gullet.Man...but those shi zi tou were fantastic. Very nice gravy to go with it. Not too fattty and not too oily, nice and succulent and not dry. It was als fun drenching them in gravy as we had 5 minute time out breaks in between.Well...all that I have to say is that....the fact that i'm sitting here typin this is that my gullet didn't perforate, my stomach didn't burst and that my intestine are more or less still working after having to put up with the assault they were under this afternooon.WElll...that's my exciting 4th day here...
I'm off now.
U guys could have heard more from me but Zhu has just put on gibberish to play on the comp. Yes...need I spell it clearer ? Garnet crow...............
Arrrgh..................I can feel the creativity being sucked dry by the senseless noise that is pervading the room.....
Somebody save me.....
I'd rather wolf down 2 bowls of shi zi tou....