At the end of another day...
Well doing at driving lessons was pretty glad to be hooked up with my fav instructor, Alfred Lim. Well poor fellow is apparently experiencing trouble back home. Man...listening to his family woes is truly like a real life example of the adverse effects of kiasuism. His wife sounds like a totalitarian, perfectionist and ultra kiasu person.

Who ever heard of tuition for a primary one kid? I never heard of that in my day. It's no wonder that som many children these days are exposed to high levels of stress these days and why so many teenagers end their lives prematurely too. Its an accumulative effect yeah?

Well...wat can i say singaporeans are the masters at providing and amplifying unecessay stress. they sorta get a kick outta it.
Anyway then we began to talk abt cars. Everyone who is generous or has a huge stash of extra cash : My dream car is the

Jaguar X16. yup...I would be so grateful for that gift. In the end we came to the conclusion that well perhaps cars do reflect their drivers.
!. Jaguars--The pinacle of style and sophistication.
2. Mercedes--- the 'uncle' sorta car. A veg seller can drive it and so can a CEO. No distinction. was originally meant for industrial work and not as a luxury car. It was modelled after a tank.
3. BMW--- Nice head but lotta 'Butt" work to be done.
4. Lexus---used to be a luxury car but mass production decreased its exclusivity. Darn..its also one of my fav cars.
5. Porsche---Expensive car which gives a cheap feel. It can't help that if that's the car rich men are gonna give their mistresses, and if it's gonna be the car that Ah Bengs and Ah sia kia @ rich man son are gonna drive. Wat a waste of a kinda nice sportscar.
6. Jeeps and Land Rovers----the gift for the active tai tai. Usually a gift that rich boyfrens scrimp to give their girlfrens.
7. Lambourghini---Costs $400-500 000 at second hand. $1-2 million first hand.
Well..all i can say is that i'm gonna be in for lotsa scrimping and hard work in the near future to scrape enough for a presentable nice car.

well...then met gen and went to Holland Village to shop for beads.

Bought quite a few beads and clasps and other accessories to try my hand at making my on bracelets and handphone accessories. New craft work to work on. YEAH! After this visit to holland V, I think it is a very nice place which i will be visiting in the near future for a look around. Oh and they have one of the few shops that actualli sell fresh fuit juice blended with ices and topped off with fresh fruits.

Realli refreshing and HealThy!
yup and next went to orchard hotel for dinner.'s the Orchard hotel where me and my mum had that disgusting encounter and being condemned for not being able to read chinese. Well...the food was rather good and the spread not too bad. It was thai night. least i managed to get my back at that Lau guy ( apparently the manager). Hehe..the first time i ever wrote anything in a service feedback form.
Right..super tired today...early night guys!!!